Hello world...
german, hobbies, songs, job,
address, synth (german), links (german), hiking (german),

My hobbies...

As life and age changes, interests change too.
Just some of them come back years after years:

Music was my first love and it will be my last.

Hiking to reach the horizon.

Train-traveling to reach the horizon.

Motorbiking to reach the horizon

Flight simulation with Prepar3D, please feel free to use my LUA scripts and checklists to steer specific aircrafts by hardware as templates for your own purposes.

I control these aircrafts by a Thrustmaster Tflight Hotas-X, CH-Pro Pedals, two CH-Pro Throttle Quadrants and a VRInsight Tact&Toggle with the famous FSUIPC using on/off switches and toggles.
You may use these LUA scripts and checklists as a starting point for your own configuration. The checklists based on information of the web, e.g. AVSIM, have the RTF format (Wordpad, Word, Jarte).

"Once a programmer, always a programmer", in the style of Roger Wilco, I decided - as an old fart and (in a galaxy far far away) former PL/I, Pascal and Assembler programmer - to learn the language of C.

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